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Couverture de CBT Meditation

CBT Meditation

De : Glenn Harrold
Lu par : Glenn Harrold
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    The aim of this Cognitive Behavioural Therapy meditation session is to help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This recording will guide you into a deep state of mental and physical relaxation and using CBT techniques, it will help you become aware of any overly repetitive negative thought patterns. In this relaxed and receptive state, you will be able to explore any disruptive thoughts processes, challenge them and then reframe them.

    By exploring your inner thought processes you can change any limiting beliefs and focus on positive solutions.

    Here are a few of the challenges in the therapy content of the recording:

    Identify negative thoughts

    • Am I jumping to conclusions?

    • Am I blaming myself for things that are not really my fault?

    Challenge negative thoughts

    • What evidence is there to contradict this thought?

    • Is this outcome really unlikely, or is it just a possibility?

    Reframe negative thoughts

    • You will look for opportunities to learn and grow from difficult situations.

    • You will practice gratitude by focusing on the good things in your life.


    • I am grateful for the good things in my life

    • I learn and grow positively each day

    • I always focus on the positive aspects of situations

    • I feel optimistic about the future


    You will observe without judgment, as if you were watching from a higher perspective without attaching to them, and you will always take the wisdom from every situation you face in life.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Diviniti Publishing Ltd (P)2023 Diviniti Publishing Ltd

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