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Couverture de By Bread Alone

By Bread Alone

De : Kendall Vanderslice, Peter Reinhart - foreword
Lu par : Kendall Vanderslice
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    Bread is central to God's story, and to your story too.

    Our spiritual lives are deeply connected to bread—the bread we break with family and friends and the Bread that is Christ's Body, given and broken for us. It's easy to choose the cheapest, most convenient option, but the life of Jesus and the story of Scripture, as well as the substance of bread itself, shows us that there is more. In By Bread Alone, Kendall Vanderslice, a professional baker and practical theologian who spends her days elbow-deep in dough, reveals that there is no food more spiritually significant than bread—whether eating, baking, sharing, or breaking.

    Kendall has struggled with hunger ever since she can remember—hunger for bread, yes, but also for community and for the ability to "taste and see" the goodness of God. She knows the tension of bread as blessing and bread as burden but has learned that bread also offers a unique opportunity to heal our relationship to the body of Christ and to our own bodies. In By Bread Alone, she weaves her own faith-filled journey together with original recipes and stories about the role of bread in church history, revealing a God who draws near to us and creatively provides for our daily needs.

    ©2023 Kendall Noelle Vanderslice. (P)2023 eChristian

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