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Couverture de BuzzKill


De : Tom Harris, T. R. Harris - with
Lu par : TJ Clark
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    Xander Moore is the senior pilot at the Rapid Defense Center, the clearinghouse for America's defensive drone force. Although only in his mid-thirties, Xander is the "old man" at the Center, as other pilots are barely out of high school. But these kids, as gamers most of their lives, are skilled at remote drone operation and combat tactics.

    But now a coalition of radical groups from across the planet has taken out the Rapid Defense Center in a devastating attack. America is now at the mercy of thousands of free-roaming attack drones striking at the very heart and lifeblood of our society.

    Xander and his unintended partner-the gorgeous broadcast journalist Tiffany Collins-must avoid vindictive hit squads and killer drones in order to stop the terrorists. That's when Xander calls up his childhood drone buddies to form the core of a new Rapid Defense Center. Then, Xander and his team take the battle to the doorstep of the enemy.

    And at stake is not only their own survival . . . but also America's future as a global superpower, as well.

    But remember to say your prayers and hope your insurance policy is paid up.

    Because when you hear the BuzzKill . . . it's too late.

    ©2024 Tom Harris Creations, LLC (P)2024 Tantor

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