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De : Joanna NicciTina Free
Lu par : Joanna NicciTina Free
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    Most advice for kicking tobacco and nicotine comes from someone who’s never smoked, or from someone who stopped with ease. “Set a quit date.” “Stock up on carrot sticks.” “Find yourself a quit buddy.” The tenth anniversary edition of Buttkickers: Twenty Ways to Leave Tobacco will tell you: no more quit dates, stock up on everything, stop calling yourself a quitter, and find yourself a whole pack of other buttkickers because that’s a helluva lot more fun.

    Joanna NicciTina Free tried it the old way–all of the old ways–and none of it worked. Workshops, classes, multiple quit dates, and a veritable mountain of stop smoking books later, she blazed a new trail and got free. Now she wants to take you with her. Fresh language, fresh ideas, and a freshness of perspective…who even needs menthol anymore when you’ve got this breath of fresh air? Even if you’re only kick-curious, or want to help someone else who’s still puff puff puffing away, this jam-packed little book will change the way you see tobacco, nicotine and maybe even yourself. Get yourself free.

    ©2021 Joanna Free (P)2023 Joanna Free

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