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Couverture de But You, Who Do You Say That I Am?

But You, Who Do You Say That I Am?

De : Kettly Hogu
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    Self-reflection and self-evaluation are two events that occur in every intelligible human being at certain point in life. In assessing ourselves we look for ways to approve or improve it for a better quality of life. Often times this self-assessment would focus solely on monetary acquisitions. Living our lives to the fullest is suitable to all mankind. It's a great objective to strive for while it's very important to assess our spiritual life from time to time and strengthen this beautiful relationship with the Lord, Jesus-Christ. This sacrificial death of Jesus happened only for one reason: To reconcile the world with the Master of the Universe. Our spiritual health depends greatly on our spiritual wealth for God is Spirit. The questions to ask to yourself are the followings: Can you testify about Jesus? And if so, Who do I say that He is? Amen.

    Kettly Hogu is a former Elementary school teacher who resides in the US. Her hobbies include writing, family gathering and reach out ministry. Kettly served as deacon and later on as the head of the Trustee Board at First Baptist Church of Randolph, MA during the years of 2001 to 2011. Then took part in the reach out ministry of the Potter's House of Dallas TX during the year of 2015. She also worked in different managerial capacity in the corporate world. Currently Kettly is self-employed working in the Early Childhood field. You can contact Kettly via email at:

    ©2022 Kelly Hogu (P)2022 Kelly Hogu

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