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Couverture de But She Is My Student

But She Is My Student

De : Kiki Archer
Lu par : Jessica Jeffries
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    Miss Katherine Spicer started her first day at Coldfield Comprehensive School confident, enthusiastic, and very well-qualified. That was until she met the eyes of the student hidden in the corner of her classroom. Kat’s final weekend of freedom was about to turn her life upside-down and threaten everything she had been working for; how was she to know those mesmerizing green eyes would reappear here? 

    Great lesbian chick-lit. 

    A cross between Notes on a Scandal by Zoe Heller and Sugar Rush by Julie Burchill. 

    But She Is My Student follows the journey of Miss Katherine Spicer in her first year of teaching at Coldfield Comprehensive School. She is a gorgeous, intelligent young woman hailed as a fantastic teacher whose two best friends have to keep her spirit alive when she is faced with an impossible situation. How was she to know the woman she kissed would turn up in her A-Level history class?

    The novel deals with the many issues of sexuality in a gripping, yet funny manner, pulling the listener back into a world of teenage nostalgia and schoolday memories. 

    But She Is My Student will make you laugh out loud and have you crying out for the fairytale ending. 

    A really fantastic lesbian novel that will also appeal to the avid chick-lit reader.

    ©2012 Kiki Archer (P)2019 Kiki Archer

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