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Couverture de But First, God

But First, God

De : Julie Chen Moonves
Lu par : Julie Chen Moonves
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    An intimate and inspirational memoir from the longtime host of Big Brother and former moderator of The Talk. Julie Chen Moonves shares her transformative spiritual awakening, revisiting pivotal moments from her life and career through fresh eyes. This as-told-to story is a unique, conversational audio experience that will put you in the room with Julie as she recounts her faith journey and favorite scripture passages, while inspiring listeners to find their own path.

    Julie Chen Moonves spent the first forty-eight years of her life ignoring God. She had never even attended a Sunday church service. For much of her life, her impressive yet demanding career was her priority with little time or energy for spirituality. But in 2018, Julie’s life was turned upside down, and the sudden shift in perspective opened her eyes to the biggest opportunity of all: a personal relationship with God.

    In But First, God, you’ll feel as though you’re sitting across from Julie as she weaves together memories with reflections on scripture, prayer, and how finding God has changed every facet of her life, from her on-camera work to her role as a wife and mother. She’ll take listeners behind the scenes of her career, telling never-before-heard stories from her first job as a reporter through becoming a network news anchor, two decades hosting the reality competition show Big Brother and eight seasons moderating the Emmy Award-winning daytime talk show The Talk. But First, God reveals who the real Julie is when the cameras stop rolling and looks back at the highs and lows of her journey with new perspective. Julie shows how scripture is leading her walk with God, and how every listener can find their own joy and peace in faith.

    ©2023 Julie Chen Moonves (P)2023 Simon & Schuster Audio

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