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De : Edmund L. Andrews
Lu par : Dick Hill
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Veteran New York Times economics reporter Edmund L. Andrews was intimately aware of the dangers posed by easy mortgages from fast-buck lenders. But, eager to buy a home and start a new life, he gave in to temptation and began a surreal adventure into the mortgage mayhem that nearly wrecked our economy.

Busted weaves together the author's own ride to the edge of bankruptcy with the tragicomic stories of his lenders, the Wall Street pros behind them, and the policymakers in Washington who were oblivious until it was too late. The story takes Andrews to the offices of Alan Greenspan, the mansions of subprime-mortgage millionaires in Southern California, a despondent deal makers' convention in Las Vegas, and Wall Street.

Rich with on-the-ground reporting, Busted is a darkly humorous exploration of the cynicism and self-destructive judgment that led to America's biggest economic calamity in generations.

©2009 Edmund L.Andrews (P)2009 Tantor
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    "This deeply personal expose is timely and sobering in its candor." (Publishers Weekly)
    "Andrews's autopsy on his mortgage and the conditions that helped produce it is sharp and at times mordantly funny." (The New York Times Book Review)
    "Read Busted for the insight....The president and every member of Congress should read this book." (The Washington Post)

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