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Couverture de Business Not as Usual

Business Not as Usual

De : Sharon C. Cooper
Lu par : Marcella Cox
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    A woman learns the hard way about mixing business with pleasure in this hilarious new romantic comedy by USA Today best-selling author Sharon C. Cooper.

    I am beautiful. I am confident. I am lovable. I am a lottery winner.

    This is the mantra that will get Dreamy Daniels through each day until she makes it big. So what if she lives in a seedy part of Los Angeles in a house that’s one earthquake away from crumbling, or works an unfulfilling secretarial job while struggling to finish her bachelor’s degree? All Dreamy needs to do is win the lottery, which she’s been entering in as a weekly tradition with her grandfather. When she catches the attention of her boss’ potential investor, Dreamy has to remind herself to focus on her career goals so she can be her own boss. Who cares if he has the social grace of the duke of Sussex and the suaveness of Idris Elba? No distractions allowed.

    Growing up with a father who is an A-list actor and a socialite mother, venture capitalist Karter Redford lives in the world of the rich and famous. Instead of attending movie premieres, however, he prefers spending his time helping the less fortunate, backing start-up companies and investing in cutting-edge ideas. Karter is used to his life revolving around work, but when he decides he wants someone to share it with, he falls for someone his mother would never approve of: hilarious, quirky Dreamy, who has goals of her own...but also isn’t a wealthy, upper-crust socialite. Though it’s clear they’re from different worlds, their relationship might just be his greatest investment yet.

    ©2022 Sharon C. Cooper (P)2022 Penguin Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "In her first romantic comedy, Cooper strikes the perfect balance of romance and comedic moments. Dreamy's shoes, the wig incident, and the couple's first date all had me laughing to myself. But their chemistry, compatibility, and obvious love for one another made my inner romantic sigh. Well done!"Delaney Diamond, USA Today bestselling author

    “Dreamy continually blossoms throughout the novel, and her unshakeable drive makes each success even more gratifying for the reader cheering her along. A sweet and sincere love story that hits the jackpot of rom-coms.”Kirkus Review

    "Cooper (the Reunited series) effortlessly blends the worlds of two characters from wildly different socioeconomic backgrounds in this hilarious, bighearted rom-com...The supporting cast is a hoot—especially Dreamy’s grandfather—and every obstacle Cooper throws at the central couple only serves to showcase their compatibility and strength. This sexy, feel-good love story will leave readers breathless."Publishers Weekly, starred review

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