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  • Buried Deep and Other Stories

  • De : Naomi Novik
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Buried Deep and Other Stories

De : Naomi Novik
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    From international bestselling author Naomi Novik comes a thrilling anthology of thirteen short stories that span the worlds of the Sunday Times bestselling author of the Scholomance trilogy.

    From the dragon-filled Temeraire series and the magical gothic halls of the Scholomance trilogy to the fairy tale worlds of Spinning Silver and Uprooted, this stunning collection takes us from fairy tale to fantasy, myth to history, and mystery to science fiction as we travel through Naomi Novik's most beloved worlds.

    Within this anthology, we move from ancient Greece and Rome, through the Middle Ages and the Black Death, and into the modern era. We meet Mark Antony, Sherlock Holmes, and Elizabeth Bennet, in ways we have never seen them before. We visit exotic fantasy cities and alien civilizations among the stars.

    Though the stories are vastly different, there is a unifying theme: the act of finding and seizing one's destiny, and the lengths one will go to achieve that-be it turning pirate, captaining a fighting dragon, or turning from marriage to seek your destiny with a sword.

    And in the two tales original to this collection, we first reenter the remade Scholomance in the wake of El's revolution and see what life is like for the new crop of freshman. Then, we get a glimpse at the discovery of a mysterious and deserted land, populated only by silent and enigmatic architectural behemoths whose secrets are yet to be unlocked-the land in which Naomi's next big series will be set.

    ©2024 Naomi Novik (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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