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  • Built to Last

  • The Park Avenue Promise, Book 3
  • De : Lexi Blake
  • Durée : 11 h

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Built to Last

De : Lexi Blake
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    From New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake, discover The Park Avenue Promise Series...

    Three young women make a pact in high school—
    to always be friends and to one day make it big in Manhattan

    Built to Last

    Harper Ross has always dreamed of working on one of the magnificent brownstones of Park Avenue. Now one of her closest friends has bought the house of her dreams and hired Harper to do the construction work. She wants to showcase the renovation on a television show for her brand-new production company. It’s the same grand home she and her friends promised themselves they would be able to afford one day. Working on it isn’t the same as living in it, but it’s all a part of Harper’s grand plan to grow her father’s construction business into one of the biggest in the city. The only obstacle—the designer on the project.

    Reid Dorsey believes in the balance between beauty and functionality. As one of Manhattan’s new voices in design, he’s excited to get to work on a true Gilded Age property. If only the owner had selected a contractor he enjoyed working with. Oh, Harper was brilliant and her work was excellent, but she has an opinion on everything—and it’s usually the opposite of his.

    Over the course of the job, these enemies start to see different sides of each other, and suddenly their fights don’t seem so bad. But when the project is threatened, they might have to choose between their jobs and the beautifully designed future they could share.

    ©2025 Lexi Blake (P)2025 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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