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Couverture de Building an Elite Career

Building an Elite Career

De : Don Wenner
Lu par : Don Wenner
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    Are you prepared to succeed? Working in an entrepreneurial organization presents exciting new roles that bring new challenges. You need to stay focused on your organizations big goals while making sure to hit your individual expectations to thrive in your career as well as in your personal fulfillment.

    The opportunities for driving results can be endless in an organization with a constant expansion of ideas if you are ready.

    In Building an Elite Career, Don Wenner walks you through the Elite Execution System, a proven system his company and many others have used to drive growth and engagement. It takes the best-of concepts from some of the worlds greatest business and personal growth thought leaders, adds a little Don Wenner sauce, and teaches you how to apply them to thrive in work and life.

    With the framework, guidelines, and tools in this book, you will:

    - Learn how to drive growth and engagement so you can thrive in a flourishing entrepreneurial organization.

    - Create a blueprint for prosperity and fulfillment so you can make a bigger impact on the world.

    - Build an extraordinary life through intentionality so you can achieve significance and happiness.

    It's your turn to drive growth in your career and life. It's your opportunity to succeed!

    ©2023 Don Wenner (P)2023 Don Wenner

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