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Couverture de Building a Coaching Culture

Building a Coaching Culture

De : Andreas von der Heydt
Lu par : Colin Sherif Ghannam
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    The speed and complexity of change in business practice has never been greater than today. Navigating this new and lasting norm requires, for any organization, besides other factors, two principal elements: Managers and leaders who are capable of coaching their team members as well as a new type of workforce that can quickly adapt to changing environments, can acquire new skills necessary to be successful in the future, and is willing and capable of stepping up to take over responsibility. The book argues that internal coaching is an excellent tool to onboard, integrate, and develop employees. Successful coaching will result in higher job satisfaction for both coach and coachee, better work and business results, and superior retention levels: A long-term win for both the organization, its employees, and customers.

    Based on extensive interviews with both tenured leaders and new employees, focus groups with learning and development experts, and a comprehensive literature research as well as the author's own in-depth coaching knowledge and expertise, this book proposes an academically researched, developed, and validated model of eight dimensions of successful coaching as well as a five-step implementation plan ,which can be used as an impactful framework to embed coaching skills in organizational settings to create a sustainable and growth-generating coaching culture.

    ©2021 Andreas von der Heydt (P)2021 Andreas von der Heydt

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