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Build a Personal Coping Strategy - Stay Grounded in the Midst of Change

De : Dr. Sheila Murray Bethel
Lu par : Sheila Murray Bethel
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One of your most important leadership responsibilities is your personal ability to cope with change and its side effects. To prevent burnout and relieve stress, you need a strategy to keep you in balance, and grounded in the realities of today. Then you are ready to move forward into the future as a whole and confident person. Gain more comfort and control in any situation with the process developed by globally acknowledged leadership and change expert Dr. Sheila Murray Bethel, author of the new book A New Breed of Leader, which is winning praise from leaders around the world. Some of the topics covered:

  • How to stay sane, healthy, and effective in times of great change
  • Create the five P’s of a personal coping strategy to stay grounded in the midst of change
  • Learn wisdom from famous chef Graham Kerr and Colonel’s Bill and Mary Lou Smullen (U.S Army Ret.)
  • How the story of the “Stolen Tent” will give you a better perspective about change.

©2010 Sheila Bethel Murray (P)2010 Sheila Bethel
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Best-selling author and CEO Dr. Sheila Murray Bethel knows the world is getting smaller and people's lives are moving faster, and she has a refreshing antidote for stress and burn-out. Actor Dennis Waitley teams up with the renowned speaker in this confident, upbeat performance, giving audiences a chance to experience Bethel's cool leadership skills firsthand. Through her "five P's" coping strategy Bethel shows listeners that in order to inspire confidence in others one must first oneself be grounded and comfortable. Bethel covers everything from diet and exercise to free time and intimacy in this guide to happy, healthy living.

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