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  • Budgeting Works: Beginners Edition

  • 7 Simple Steps to Get Out of Debt, Create a Solid Foundation for Building Wealth, and Achieving Financial Freedom
  • De : Afton Goodwin
  • Lu par : Sean Woolford
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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Budgeting Works: Beginners Edition

De : Afton Goodwin
Lu par : Sean Woolford
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    Start making smarter choices: Discover the ins and outs of making wise and worthwhile decisions with your money that will help you now and in the future!

    Anyone who has lived paycheck to paycheck or has had no idea where their money went when they really needed it knows how terrifying it can be.

    Money seems to be a topic most people dislike talking about, especially when they don’t know how to manage it. This audiobook aims to solve that problem.

    Budgeting is the foundation of managing money.

    It doesn’t matter if you make $1,000 a month or $100,000 a month; if you don’t have a solid foundation for managing your money, it will always run out before you want it to.

    Money is an extremely important topic you have to be open and honest with yourself about.

    In the end, it comes down to three things: having the knowledge to make smart decisions, the self-control to implement those smart decisions, and a plan of action.

    That’s exactly what this audiobook will help you with. It will provide eye-opening insight into the world of budgeting and building a solid foundation for managing your money.

    This essential guide will teach you:

    • Seven vital areas you need to improve to make financially conscious decisions
    • How to get yourself in the right mindset, understand your “why”, and why it's so important
    • How to effectively track your money and control your spending
    • How to reduce your expenses and keep more money in your bank account
    • Discover effective and proven strategies to escape debt faster than you thought possible
    • How to budget a portion of your income to build wealth and achieve financial independence
    • How to build a flexible budget that will grow with you as your financial needs change

    And much more!

    Setting and sticking to a budget can be a daunting task, but you can do it—even if you have failed before.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Afton Goodwin (P)2023 Afton Goodwin

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