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Couverture de Buck Meets the Monster Stick

Buck Meets the Monster Stick

De : Bil Lepp
Lu par : Bil Lepp
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    Avis de l'équipe

    In this recording, Bill Lepp showcases the ability that has repeatedly won him the West Virginia State Liar's contest. From fishing trips gone awry to the real story of Jonah (who was actually swallowed by a giant carp), Lepp's tales are so tall they barely fit in the room. Yet there is something disarming about his lively and affable way of relating events, so that you're lulled into suspending disbelief as you go along with him on these wild rides. Children and adults alike will be laughing out loud at some of the scrapes Lepp gets into, though some of his asides ("faster than an intern leaving the Oval Office") will, mercifully, travel over the heads of children.


    Remember the Monster Stick? The greatest and most dangerous fishing-rod ever? What about Buck, who simply "ain't no ordinary dog"? Anyone who has seen the Lepp boys perform or read their book The Monster Stick will never forget them. In this recording, we revisit West Virginia with Bil Lepp as he tells some of the stories that made his brother, Paul, and himself repeat winners of the West Virginia State Liars Contest.

    In an age when "tall tales" are thought of as an ancient art form, these stories are right up to date. And Bil tells them with such deadpan sincerity that you just can't help but believe in things that aren't physically possible.

    ©1999 Bil Lepp and Nancy Lepp, except The Monster Stick's Last Ride, 2001 Bil Lepp (P)2002 August House Publishers, Inc.

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