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Couverture de Brotherless Night

Brotherless Night

De : V. V. Ganeshananthan
Lu par : Nirmala Rajasingam
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Sixteen-year-old Sashi wants to become a doctor. But over the next decade, as a vicious civil war tears through her hometown of Jaffna, her dream takes her on a different path as she sees those around her, including her four beloved brothers and their friend, get swept up in violent political ideologies and their consequences. Desperate to act, she must ask herself: is it possible for anyone to move through life without doing harm?

    ©2023 V. V. Ganeshananthan (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    "A beautiful, brilliant book - it gives an accounting of the unimaginable losses suffered by a family and by a country, but it is as tender and fierce as it is mournful. It is unafraid to look directly at the worst of the violence and erasure we have perpetrated or allowed to happen, but is insistent that we can still choose to be better." (Danielle Evans, author of The Office of Historical Corrections)

    "Brotherless Night is my favorite kind of novel, one so rich and full of movement that it's only later I realize how much I have learned. V. V. Ganeshananthan drew me in from the very first line, and the intricacies of her characters' lives made it easy to stay." (Sara Novic, New York Times bestselling author of True Biz)

    "With immense compassion and deep moral complexity, V. V. Ganeshananthan brings us an achingly moving portrait of individual and societal grief." (Celeste Ng, bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere)

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