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Couverture de Broom and Gloom

Broom and Gloom

De : Christy Barritt
Lu par : Reba Buhr
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    Gabby St. Claire is determined to get back in the saddle again. While in Oklahoma for a forensic conference, she meets her soon-to-be stepbrother Trace Ryan, an up-and-coming country singer. Trace shares that a woman he was dating went missing a month ago, and he suspects a crazy fan girl may be behind her disappearance.

    Gabby can't pass up the opportunity to investigate. But her schedule is tricky as she tries to juggle her conference, navigate being alone in a new place, and locate a woman who may not want to be found. She discovers that sometimes taking life by the horns means staring danger in the face, no matter the consequences.

    Squeaky Clean Mysteries:

    #1 Hazardous Duty

    #2 Suspicious Minds

    #2.5 It Came Upon a Midnight Crime (a novella)

    #3 Organized Grime

    #4 Dirty Deeds

    #5 The Scum of All Fears

    #6 To Love, Honor, and Perish

    #7 Mucky Streak

    #8 Foul Play

    #9 Broom and Gloom

    #10 Dust and Obey

    #11 Thrill Squeaker

    #11.5 Swept Away, a Honeymoon Novella

    #12 Cunning Attractions

    #13 Cold Case: Clean Getaway

    #14 Cold Case: Clean Sweep

    #15 Cold Case: Clean Break

    #16 Cleans to an End Companion novel: While You Were Sweeping, a Riley Thomas novella

    ©2014 Christy Barritt (P)2024 Christy Barritt

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