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Couverture de Bring to Light

Bring to Light

De : C F White
Lu par : Piers Ryman
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    Jackson Young and Fletcher Doherty are back in London and on a mission - to bring to light the murky underbelly of the Charles Payne media empire and, in doing so, get justice for the murder of Tallulah Payne. 

    It's not a simple task though. They need proof. They need people to speak up. And they need to keep their hands off each other long enough to track down the other manipulated Lotus Flowers, convince them to come forward and find a way to bring it all to the public. Not so easy when they're up against the most powerful men in London who are determined to separate and silence them by any means possible. 

    It's a race against time, with a deadline not only on their story or their growing relationship but on their entire lives. 

    ©2020 C F White (P)2021 C F White

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