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  • Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky

  • How the Top 1% of Entrepreneurs Profit from Global Chaos
  • De : Sarah Lacy
  • Lu par : Samantha Quan
  • Durée : 8 h et 41 min

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Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky

De : Sarah Lacy
Lu par : Samantha Quan
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    An unforgettable portrait of the emerging world's entrepreneurial dynamos Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky is the story about that top one percent of people who do more to change their worlds through greed and ambition than politicians, NGOs, and nonprofits ever can. This new breed of self-starter is taking local turmoil and turning it into opportunities, making millions, creating thousands of jobs and changing the face of modern entrepreneurship at the same time. To tell this story, Lacy spent 40 weeks traveling through Asia, South America, and Africa hunting down the most impressive up-and-comers the developed world has never heard of...yet. The individuals profiled in Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky are distinct products of their own cultures, yet they share that same unmistakable cocktail of delusion, ambition, and brilliance that drove Bill Gates, Fred Smith, Donald Trump, and every other iconic American entrepreneur of the last few decades. 

    ©2010 SAS Institute Inc (P)2012 Audible, Inc.

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