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Couverture de Bright Lights and Summer Nights

Bright Lights and Summer Nights

De : Kat Singleton
Lu par : Savannah Peachwood, Lee Samuels
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    Summer nights can be full of surprises.

    As a single, unemployed, and unapologetic twenty-five-year-old mess, I came to the Hamptons this summer for one reason—to focus on myself and work out my quarter-life crisis. I didn't come here planning to sneak into a private party and meet a handsome stranger.

    I definitely didn't come here expecting that stranger to be Preston Rhodes—billionaire and superstar quarterback for the Manhattan Mambas.

    And that's not even the crazy part.

    He asked me to be his pretend girlfriend for a week while his family was in town. He needed a date for his sister's wedding, and I'd never turn down the opportunity to be spoiled by a rich man.

    The only thing is Preston's not very good at pretending.

    Now, instead of discovering myself, I'm spending the week discovering what life would be like with him. Instead of focusing on me, I'm focusing on how he looks at me, how he touches me, how he wants me.

    Now that neither one of us is faking it, I only hope that we can hold on to what we have through the bright lights and summer nights.

    From the author who brought you Black Ties and White Lies and Pretty Rings and Broken Things, comes an all-new standalone in the Black Tie Billionaires Series. Bright Lights and Summer Nights is a billionaire, fake dating, sports romance. It is Emma's book and a complete standalone. It is the third and final book in the series.

    ©2024 Kat Singleton (P)2024 Podium Audio

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