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  • Brides of the Mylos: Set One

  • The Brides of the Mylos Collection, Book 1
  • De : Loretta Johns
  • Lu par : Meghan Duran
  • Durée : 17 h et 5 min

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Brides of the Mylos: Set One

De : Loretta Johns
Lu par : Meghan Duran
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    The Mylos came to expand their trading borders, exchange knowledge, and search for their destined mates.

    Join them as they find love and family.

    Tellan is the ambassador sent to Earth. When he's unexpectedly matched to Laurel, he finds not only love but hope for both of their peoples thanks to Laurel's vital contributions to the efforts to create a treaty both sides are happy with.

    Gundar, the Commander of the Bride Fleet that was later sent to Earth, finds himself matched with Darla. Darla is younger than he expected. She's a bit unsure of herself but soon finds her feet.

    Junrig never thought to find a bride. Luckily for Melissa and her children, he was added to the active matching database once he joined the Bride Fleet as an environmental engineer. He finds the family that he never thought he'd have, and Melissa discovers that there is indeed one perfect man out there meant to be her husband and the father of her children.

    Kranow dreamed of finding his match, right until he found out who it was. Wanted for offenses against the Fleet and their human brides, he's positive the universe has played a cosmic joke on him. Marley first must learn the truth behind the lies she was brainwashed with before she's even told she has a match. But will she, and if so, can she ever get him to accept the love she wants to share with him?

    This boxset contains the first four Brides of the Mylos books. Each book ends with a HEA guaranteed as these women find true love among the stars.

    ©2021 Loretta Johns (P)2024 Loretta Johns

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