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Couverture de Breathe Through Stress

Breathe Through Stress

De : Keith Mitchell
Lu par : Keith Mitchell
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    Being stressed has become a regular part of life. And while a certain amount of stress can sometimes be beneficial, our well-being is diminished when it becomes excessive or prolonged. Stress is not a virtue nor a badge of honor. You can be powerful and at ease. You can be productive and relaxed. Breathe Through Stress allows you to find a way to invite balance and welcome steadiness.

    Welcome to the mindfulness journey with Keith Mitchell, former All-Pro NFL player, master yogi, and mindfulness and meditation coach. As a professional football player, Keith Mitchell performed at the highest caliber and pushed his body beyond its limits to dominate the field. Then at age 31, when a severe spinal injury ended his career, Keith Mitchell was forced to reevaluate his life. While in the hospital, a nurse introduced him to conscious breathing, and his mindfulness journey began.

    Over time, Keith Mitchell's mindfulness practice restored his physical abilities and strengthened his mental and spiritual well-being. Now he helps others achieve the same self-realization. Now he helps others achieve the same self-realization by traveling worldwide to explore ancient wisdom and to share his practice. In his book, The Mindfulness Playbook: 8 Strategies for Winning at the Game of Life, Keith Mitchell shares his personal story and provides insight to others as they transform their lives.

    ©2020 Audible (P)2022 Audible, Inc.

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