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Couverture de Breath of Heaven

Breath of Heaven

De : Alana Terry
Lu par : Becky Doughty
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    She loves her husband. It's his church she can't stand.

    Katrina left her old life to embrace a new role as the pastor's wife at a small country church.

    She expected a warm welcome and warm friendships. The last thing she imagined was a congregation that was so petty and judgmental.

    As Katrina grapples with the challenges of small-town life and her changing relationship with her new husband, she's grieving what she had to leave behind. Everything that identified her as Katrina is gone: her music, the symphony, and the city life that made her feel alive.

    Join Katrina on this journey of faith and self-discovery as she learns to embrace the joys and sorrows of life and finds comfort in the love of the One who created her. With its beautiful prose and uplifting themes, "Breath of Heaven" is a captivating story of struggle, hope, and the power of faith to overcome even the greatest challenges.

    If you like strong and determined women and beautiful stories of faith and redemption, you'll love this heartwarming novel from award-winning Christian novelist Alana Terry.

    Cozy up under a warm blanket, grab a mug of something warm, and escape into this inspiring novel today.

    ©2017 Alana Terry (P)2024 Alana Terry

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