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Couverture de Breaking the Power of Negative Words

Breaking the Power of Negative Words

De : Mary C. Busha
Lu par : Annette Romano
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    The spoken word has immense potential for either building up or tearing down. Too often, it's the latter. Many of us are daily carrying around hurtful words, sometimes without even knowing it. These negative words have great influence over our lives and the lives of those around us. But thankfully, they are not the last word.

    Mary Busha speaks to the hurting and guides them toward victory over the harmful, demeaning, or insulting words of their past. She shows listeners how to:

    • Understand the emotions and circumstances behind the words
    • Choose to want to forgive their offenders
    • Embrace the truth about who they are created to be
    • Recognize the effect of both negative and positive self-talk
    • Pray effectively to break the power of negative words
    • And walk in the freedom God provides in his Word

    She also encourages listeners to find ways to use their own words to lift up the people God places in their paths.

    ©2019 eChristian (P)2019 eChristian

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