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Breaking News

De : Nick Sheridan
Lu par : Nick Sheridan
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    A funny, practical and ever-so timely guide to the news for anyone aged eight and above. Find out how to understand and navigate 24/7 news, how to spot the facts from the fake...and what to do if the news becomes overwhelming. Perfect for fans of Matthew Syed’s You Are Awesome and Rashmi Sirdeshpande's Dosh.

    It’s never been easier to access the news; TV, radio, billboards, newspapers and endlessly buzzing on to the screens in our pockets. But with more and more news available, it’s hard to know what to trust. Where do stories come from? What’s real news and what’s fake? And what role does social media play in all of this?

    Insightful, hands-on, essential and reassuring, Breaking News will help children navigate the peaks and pitfalls of our modern-day news cycle, through laugh-out-loud text and interactive activities.

    ©2021 Nick Sheridan (P)2021 Simon & Schuster Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "A perfect read for any budding young journalists out there." (Konnie Huq, BBC Blue Peter presenter and author of the COOKIE! series)

    "Jam-packed with fascinating facts, this is a fantastically funny and much-needed guide to navigating the news." (Rashmi Sirdeshpande, author of Dosh)

    "Newsflash: I loved it." (Eoin Colfer, million-copy-selling author of Artemis Fowl)

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