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Couverture de Breakfast Is Severed

Breakfast Is Severed

De : TyCobbsTeeth, Robert Smith
Lu par : Kyle Akers
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    Breakfast Is Severed: a TyCobbsTeeth thriller by Robert Smith

    David Cameron wakes to learn catastrophic events have reached his neighborhood. Terror is on his doorstep. His life and everything around him are about to be torn apart.

    A drought swept across the planet, leading to worldwide food shortages. The effects crept across the globe. Riots broke out, and violence ensued. That was only the beginning.

    Chaos tore away at the very fabric of society. Americans sat back and watched as civilians around the world descended into darkness. Their government told them they were safe, insulated, as the rest of the world sunk into the quickening spiral.

    America has now been sucked into the vortex - horror has arrived.

    Army Specialist David Cameron and his unit are in for the fight of their lives. They must endure horrific events during the oncoming storm of inhumanity.

    ©2015, 2017 Robert Smith (P)2017 Robert Smith

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