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Couverture de Break the Mould

Break the Mould

De : Sinéad Burke, Natalie Byrne
Lu par : Sinéad Burke
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    Break the mould with Sinéad Burke - disability advocate, activist, teacher and writer.

    'There are so many people in this world - 7.53 billion to be exact. But there is only one of me and one of you. It's easy to think we are not good enough, or that our nose is too big, or wish we could be more like our friends. But the world would be different without you. You are enough just as you are.'

    Sometimes it can seem like the world isn't built for you or like you don't belong. But why should you change who you are for the sake of others? Sinéad Burke is many things - an author, an activist, a teacher, a British Vogue cover model. She also happens to be a little person at three and a half feet tall. Reflecting on her experiences growing up, she offers a heartfelt and inspiring guide on believing in yourself and finding comfort and pride in your own skin.

    From the power of being different and discovering things you love about yourself, to using your voice to be an ally and show friendship to others, it's time to discover what makes you you and find your place in the world.

    ©2020 Sinéad Burke (P)2020 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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