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Couverture de Break Point

Break Point

De : Yahrah St. John
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    Falling in love cost Teagan her heart and a pro tennis career. But when her rival returns, they’ve got one last chance for a rematch…if they can keep the game on the court!

    She came to serve.

    Teagan Williams knows how to take a loss—especially a big one. After the spectacular collapse of her tennis career and her romantic relationship (note to self: betrayal does not go with tennis whites), she put down her racket, picked herself up and started her life over.

    But now, Teagan’s been asked to compete in her country club’s tournament. And she's considering it. Because what’s the worst that could happen?

    Her ex. The spotlight-stealing almost love of her life. That’s what could happen.

    Dominic Fletcher gave up everything for tennis. To be a star, to be the best, to bring in the Benjamins. After all, his entire family is depending on him. So why does he feel so discontent? It’s not until he attends a charity tennis tournament that he understands why. Teagan.

    Now Teagan and Dominic are taking their differences out on the court—and off. Because despite their past, their chemistry sparks hotter than ever. But getting a chance to even the score is one thing. Playing to win is an entirely different game…

    From showing up to glowing up, the characters in Afterglow Books are on the path to leading their best lives and finding sizzling romance along the way.

    ©2025 Yahrah St. John (P)2025 Harlequin Enterprises, Limited

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