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  • Break Free from Migraines Naturally

  • Practical Steps to Reclaim Your Life and Prevent Migraines Effectively
  • De : Dr. Sui H. Wong MD FRCP
  • Lu par : Greer Gray
  • Durée : 4 h et 59 min

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Break Free from Migraines Naturally

De : Dr. Sui H. Wong MD FRCP
Lu par : Greer Gray
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    Migraines have a way of derailing even the best-laid plans without warning. The searing pain is only part of the battle—the non-headache symptoms like nausea, light and sound sensitivity, and mental fogginess can be just as challenging to navigate. As an invisible illness, it often leaves those battling its effects feeling deeply misunderstood by even their closest friends and family.

    In this book, you will find a comprehensive exploration of lifestyle-based approaches accompanied by practical tools for implementation, aimed at helping listeners achieve a sustainable lifestyle that provides relief from headaches and migraines.

    My objective is to empower you with the information you need to enjoy life, excel in your career, and foster meaningful connections with your loved ones—all without being hindered by frequent headaches and migraines.

    In this book you'll learn

    • The deal with migraines: Uncover its origins and effective management strategies.
    • The pillars of sleep: Delve into the profound impact of quality sleep and migraine prevention on overall wellness.
    • Movement & mind-body exercises for migraine relief
    • The gut-brain relationship: Explore the complicated connection between gut health and brain function.
    • The relationship between female hormones and migraines
    • Metabolic factors and migraines: Gain insights into metabolic contributors to headaches for a more informed health approach.
    • Nourishing your way to relief: Understand how dietary choices can play a pivotal role in providing relief from headaches and migraines.
    • Utilizing practical tools and resources: Equip yourself with valuable resources to enhance your well-being.

    So get ready for an evidence-informed exploration of holistic well-being.

    ©2024 Dr Sui H. Wong MD FRCP (P)2024 Dr Sui H. Wong MD FRCP

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