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Couverture de Breadsong


De : Kitty Tait, Al Tait
Lu par : Kitty Tait, Al Tait
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    Bloomsbury presents Breadsong by Kitty and Al Tait, read by Kitty and Al Tait.

    'If you had told me at 14, when I couldn't even get out of bed with depression and anxiety, that three years later I would have written a book I would never have believed you. But here it isthe story of the Orange Bakery. How I went from bed to bread and how my dad went from being a teacher to a baker. You reading it means everything to me.' (Kitty Tait)

    Breadsong tells the story of Kitty Tait who was a chatty, bouncy and full-of-life 14-year-old until she was overwhelmed by an ever-thickening cloud of depression and anxiety and she withdrew from the world. Her desperate family tried everything to help her, but she slipped further away from them.

    One day, her dad, Alex, a teacher, baked a loaf of bread with her and that small moment changed everything. One loaf quickly escalated into an obsession, and Kitty started to find her way out of the terrible place she was in. Baking bread was the one thing that made any sense to her, and before long, she was making loaves for half her village. After a few whirlwind months, she and her dad opened the Orange Bakery, where queues now regularly snake down the street.

    Breadsong is also a cookbook full of Kitty's favourite recipes, including:

    • The Comfort loaf made with Marmite and with a crust that tastes like Twiglets.
    • Bitesize queue nibbles, doughnuts with an ever-changing filling to keep the bakery queue happy.
    • Sticky fika buns with mix-and-match fillings such as cardamom and orange.
    • Happy Bread covered with salted caramel.
    • Cheese straws made with easy homemade ruff puff pastry.
    • The ultimate brown butter and choc chip cookies with the perfect combination of gooey centre and crispy edges.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Kitty Tait and Al Tait (P)2022 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


    "Just when I thought I didn’t have anything left to learn about bread, Kitty teaches me otherwise. Accessible, engaging and wonderfully wide ranging." (Felicity Cloak)

    "Not only is Breadsong a brilliant book about the bliss of baking, Kitty Tait tells a brave and beautiful story of what it is to be human. Rise up like your dough, Kitty! You are Britain’s next Star Baker!" (Mel Giedroyc)

    "Breadsong is everything I could ever wish for from a book. Kitty is a true inspiration. I see her passion, her writing and her baking and I can’t help but be filled with joy. I can’t wait to see what she does next." (James Morton)

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