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Couverture de Brat


De : Gabriel Smith
Lu par : Gabriel Smith
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    “Gabriel Smith has written a truly unique and surprising book. He is the rarest thing: a distinctive stylist on the line and structure level. Brat is so strange and so funny. I laughed a lot while reading.” Rachel Connolly, author of Lazy City

    'Iconic', Radio 1

    'i've never heard of you. good luck with your book tho !' Charli XCX on
    X, formerly Twitter

    I was in the waiting room. Then I was in the examination

    Gabriel’s skin is falling off.

    His dad is dead.

    He owes his editor a novel.

    His girlfriend won’t answer his calls.

    Tasked by his horribly well-adjusted brother with clearing out the family home for sale, Gabriel’s sanity quickly begins to unravel. His parents’ old manuscripts appear to change each time he reads them. A bizarre home video hints at long-buried secrets. And there’s a hideous man in the garden.

    Disquieting and hilarious, taut yet lyrical, blisteringly-paced but formally inventive, Brat is a mediation on grief, art and love that will leave you altered, breathless and desperate for more.

    From a stunningly original new talent, this is a debut novel unlike anything you have heard before.

    “Messy with glitched realities and body horror, Brat breathes the same thrillingly claustrophobic air as Inland Empire and Ubik. It’s a skin-shedding ouroboros of grief and laughter, and the most brain-melting British debut I’ve read in ages.” Ed Park, author of Same Bed Different Dreams

    “Gabriel Smith’s prose is like if Joan Didion and Shirley Jackson took Xanax and used the internet. Brat is a sharp, eerie, confident debut about grief, memory, art, and so much more. Smith is a major new talent.” Jordan Castro, author of The Novelist

    ©2024 Gabriel Smith (P)2024 Simon & Schuster, UK

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