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Couverture de Brain Power

Brain Power

De : Catherine de Lange
Lu par : Bronwen Price
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    Brain Power will explain the science behind what really affects our brains, as well as providing practical tips and exercises to improve and maintain brain function into old age.

    An essential guide for living better for longer. Packed full of exercises and practical tips to keep our most vital organ in shape, and breaking down the science between brain function and how sleep, exercise, diet and even socializing are imperative for maintaining our grey matter.

    What does it mean to have a healthy, happy brain? Especially in the current climate, where our lifestyles are changing dramatically and our movements are being restricted, getting to know the factors that affect our brain function and the things we can actively do to improve it is crucial.

    Written in an accessible and engaging way for the nonscientist, this will be a comprehensive and up-to-date look at our current understanding, what a fast-changing field it is and how much we still don't know when it comes to disorders of the brain. Including some fascinating insights from leading scientists in the field and focusing on important areas such as diet, sleep, exercise, brain-training and emotions, Brain Power will explain the science behind what really affects our brains, as well as providing practical tips and exercises to improve and maintain brain function into old age.

    ©2022 Catherine de Lange (P)2022 W F Howes

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