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Couverture de Both Sides of the Fence 4

Both Sides of the Fence 4

De : M. T. Pope
Lu par : Karen Pittman, Lisa Smith, Alan Ryder, Adam Alexander
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    James Parks's thriving bloodline, Ashley and Alex Black, have transitioned back to Baltimore living, and the drama they thought was over continues to plague them. It seems like chaos and drama is hardwired in their DNA. Ashley is hard at work in her career and is enjoying her new life, but an old flame comes back into the picture and wants to play for keeps. Throw in her boyfriend, Braxton, with his own secrets, and the drama explodes. Alex is a sports agent and a party animal with a libido to match. When he stumbles onto a client with a secret, he has to make a decision: do the right thing or cash in. Toss in a sneaky and relentless stalker named Jasmine, and Alex finds himself dealing with more drama than he can handle.

    ©2014 M.T. Pope (P)2014 Recorded Books

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