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Couverture de Boston Strong

Boston Strong

De : Casey Sherman, Dave Wedge
Lu par : Joe Barrett
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    Veteran journalists Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge have written the definitive inside look at the Boston Marathon bombing with a unique, Boston-based account of the events that riveted the world. From the Tsarnaev brothers' years leading up to the act of terror to the bomb scene itself (which both authors witnessed firsthand within minutes of the blast), from the terrifying police shootout with the suspects to the ultimate capture of the younger brother, Boston Strong: A City's Triumph over Tragedy reports all the facts--and so much more.

    Based on months of intensive interviews, this is the first book to tell the entire story through the eyes of those who experienced it. From the cop first on the scene to the detectives assigned to the manhunt, the authors provide a behind-the-scenes look at the investigation. More than a true-crime book, Boston Strong also tells the tragic but ultimately life-affirming story of the victims and their recoveries and gives voice to those who lost loved ones. With their extensive reporting, writing experience, and deep ties to the Boston area, Sherman and Wedge create the perfect match of story, place, and authors.

    If you're going to listen to only one audiobook on this tragic but uplifting story, this is it.

    ©2015 Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge (P)2015 Blackstone Audio, Inc.

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