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  • Born to Shine

  • Do Good, Find Your Joy, and Build a Life You Love
  • De : Kendra Scott
  • Lu par : Kendra Scott
  • Durée : 6 h et 6 min

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Born to Shine

De : Kendra Scott
Lu par : Kendra Scott
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    This authentic and dynamic memoir from the bestselling author and CEO of Kendra Scott Jewelry delivers inspiration, leadership lessons, and spellbinding storytelling.

    For twenty years, Kendra Scott built her eponymous jewelry company from a hobby and an idea into a company worth more than a billion dollars, creating beautiful and affordable pieces with signature-cut natural gemstones packaged in a sunny yellow box. By any measure, she’s the woman who has it all: a self-made billionaire, a generous philanthropist, and a mother of three with a squad of strong female friendships.

    Sounds pretty perfect, right?

    But perfection is a myth that doesn’t serve any of us. A myth that encourages us to assume that we know what other people are going through, to judge each other on appearances and reputations, to present the best versions of ourselves and pretend like we’ve got it all together even when everything is falling apart. Perfection isn’t just a lie, it’s exhausting, and Kendra is tired of it.

    In this vulnerable, wise, and laugh-out-loud book, Kendra takes us on a journey of personal stories and hard-earned life lessons, from her humble beginnings as an awkward, bullied young girl in small-town Wisconsin to launching a business in her spare bedroom with $500. With every pitfall, misstep, and failure, Kendra builds a life—and a career—rooted in joy, purpose, and doing good, a life she wants for every listener.

    With heart and humor, Kendra reminds us that not all that glitters is gold, and that there is no level of success that can insulate you from what it means to be a human being: that life is as messy as it is magical, that bad things happen to good people for no good reason, and that a good life does not mean a perfect one.

    ©2022 Kendra Scott (P)2022 Worthy Books

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