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Couverture de Book of Secrets

Book of Secrets

De : D.F. Hart
Lu par : Dan Delgado
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    The gripping first installment of the Vital Secrets series.

    When FBI profiler Nathan Thomas meets Bella Amsel, he realizes she might very well be his dream girl. Too bad she has a stalker that neither of them know about—at first.

    They survive a nightmare–but they don't escape unscathed. A harrowing ordeal puts Nathan and Bella face to face with pure evil. Little do they know–it's only the beginning.

    The psychopath obsessed with Bella isn't giving up that easily. Will Nathan sacrifice everything he stands for to keep Bella safe?

    Vital Secrets is a suspenseful crime thriller series chronicling FBI profiler Nathan Thomas and his team's cases. They capture serial killers while also juggling their personal and professional lives. While each suspenseful, riveting title in this series can be listened to as a standalone, listeners will find maximum enjoyment if these full-length books are heard in order. Since there are no cliffhangers, there is character growth over the series.

    If you enjoy the works of Elle Gray, Mary Burton, Lucinda Berry, Melinda Leigh, and Pete Zacharias, the Vital Secrets series should make for a very enjoyable story!

    ©2019 2 of Harts Publishing (P)2023 2 of Harts Publishing

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