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Couverture de கொளக்குடியாரின், Book Two [Who Is Kolakkudiyar, Book 2]

கொளக்குடியாரின், Book Two [Who Is Kolakkudiyar, Book 2]

De : Darline Joseph Marianathan
Lu par : Darline Joseph Marianathan
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    There are around 77 million Tamils in the world. They have a huge sense of pride and identity as one of the oldest and largest linguistic cultural groups in the modern world. This second part of the self-help book by the psychologist Kolakkudiyar examines Tamils' life with research and fun.

    It is written by the psychologist Kolakkudiyar, based in England. He is at present in his final year of doctoral research (DCPsych) with counselling/clinical psychology and psychotherapy at Metanoia/Middlesex University, London. In addition, he holds MEd psychology BPS degree from Bristol University and MSC psychology from Exeter University, England. His professional membership includes the British Psychological Society - Graduate Member (MBPsS - 406325) and the UKCP (2011171976). 

    The Tamil language with its classically opulent literature is a gift to the world. This gives all 77 million Tamils in the world a distinct collective identity and a sense of pride making them one of the oldest and largest ethnolinguistic cultural groups in the modern world. However, their life is not free from challenges. Like many ethnolinguistic groups in the world, Tamils do have their pitfalls. This book addresses those ones. So, every listener is warned before exploring this book to be prepared for a hard going. 

    This book, unlike many in Tamil literature, is not going to talk about the glorious past or present but limitations, blind spots, and ignorance. Therefore, please be prepared to bite the hard bullet. If you are weak and not used to facing scientific truth and psychological facts as they are, then either be prepared to get used to them or do not attempt at all since you are more likely to feel upset rather than enjoy listening to this book. This book is written in good spirit with the cutting-edge research in the field of neuroscience, psychology, and counselling with the aim of self-exploration and self-help. This book is for both the elite as well as the ordinary people.

    Please note: This audiobook is in Tamil.

    ©2021 Paragon Publishers (P)2021 Darline Joseph Marianathan

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