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Couverture de Bones


De : Roy A. Meals MD
Lu par : L.J. Ganser
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    Human bone is versatile and entirely unique: It repairs itself without scarring, it's lightweight but responds to stresses, and it's durable enough to survive for millennia. In Bones, orthopedic surgeon Roy A. Meals explores and extols this amazing material that both supports and records vertebrate life.

    Inside the body, bone proves itself the world's best building material. Meals examines the biological makeup of bones; demystifies how they grow, break, and heal; and compares the particulars of human bone to variations throughout the animal kingdom. In engaging and clear prose, he debunks familiar myths - humans don't have exactly 206 bones - and illustrates common bone diseases, like osteoporosis and arthritis, and their treatments. Along the way, he highlights the medical innovations - from the first X-rays to advanced operative techniques - that enhance our lives and introduces the giants of orthopedic surgery who developed them.

    With enthusiasm and humor, Meals also investigates the diverse roles bone has played in human culture throughout history. He highlights allusions to bone in religion and literature, from Adam's rib to Hamlet's skull, and uncovers its enduring presence as fossils, technological tools, and musical instruments ranging from the Tibetan thighbone kangling horn to everyday drumsticks.

    ©2020 Roy A. Meals, MD (P)2020 Tantor

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