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Couverture de Bodybuilding


De : Max Newton
Lu par : Steven Eisley
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    Throw away those diet pills! Steroids don't cut it!

    Investigate one of the top rated muscle building programs on the Internet

    Are you the 140 pound weakling who is always getting sand kicked in his face?Have you given up on the idea of being the neighborhood hunk?Have you tried dieting and weight training and still don't seem to be able to bulk up?Well I can identify. I was that unfortunate fellow just a few years ago. No matter what I did I just could not seem to gain weight. I did everything that the bodybuilding magazines told me to but nothing seemed to work. This included starving myself, eating only protein, loading up with carbohydrates and working out seven times a week.

    Part of my problem was my absolute belief and faith in the delusions and myth that the diet and fitness industry had to tell me.

    Do you believe -

    You are too old to build new muscle?You inherited a condition that prevents you from gaining muscle?Only steroids can help you bulk up? You have to spend thousands of bodybuilding supplements to build muscle?You have to spend every day at the gym to get "cut"? That the bodybuilding industry wouldn't keep you skinny and weak on purpose - or would they?

    If you believe any of the statements above then you have probably already spent thousands of dollars on supplements that don't work.

    I had an eternal sense of optimism myself when I first got into the bodybuilding game. I never ever seemed to learn that most so called solutions were actually a waste of time and money.

    The result was that I began to really believe that I was going to be that guy from the old Charles Atlas Body Building Ad - the one waiting on the beach towel to have sand kicked in his face.

    It is one year later and I am now a solid 211 pounds and only 10% body fat.

    ©2014 AudioLearn (P)2014 AudioLearn

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