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  • Bobby Zapp's Passive Workout

  • The Health and Fitness Guide to Lose Weight, Just by Adding an Exercise Throughout Your Day
  • De : Bobby Zapp
  • Lu par : A.G. Smith
  • Durée : 4 h et 39 min

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Bobby Zapp's Passive Workout

De : Bobby Zapp
Lu par : A.G. Smith
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    Do you ever wonder why most people struggle to get in shape or lose weight? The author has investigated the psychological reasons people struggle to transform their health, and the answer will surprise you.

    Here's what the author asked his clients: “What stops you from taking action so you can lose weight and get in shape?”

    The response! Most simply didn't know what stopped them from taking action, but they all knew they wanted to make a change. Most weren't preoccupied per se with being overweight or out of shape or even worried that these conditions had long-term risks. For most who felt stuck, it was about their self-esteem.

    For example, being overweight causes them to feel mental duress and self-consciousness.

    That made them say, “What's the use of taking action?"

    And if they did take action, their beliefs would eventually cause them to give up.

    Overweight individuals usually feel unhappy when they look in the mirror. They might say, "I'm fat", or "I look out of shape", or worse, they say, “I look disgusting."

    So, they don't go to the beach or go out on a date. If it were a guy, he'd say, “I can't take off my shirt; I'm out of shape and look flabby.” If it were a girl, she'd say, "I can't wear a bathing suit, I'm too fat and don't feel sexy." This is counterproductive and makes people feel stuck, so they feel deeply ashamed.

    The Passive Workout was explicitly created for those feeling stuck and ashamed and ready for transformational action. The author has 28 years of experience in the health genre and explains why the lack of self-discipline is why most struggle to lose weight and lose interest in their health goals. He shows you how and why getting your mind in shape is the secret to getting your body in shape so you can overcome destructive feelings. So imagine what it will cost you not to take action.

    ©2022, 2023 Bobby Zapp (P)2023 Bobby Zapp

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