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  • Blue Skies

  • How to Live in Extraordinary Expectation of What's Around the Corner
  • De : James Barnett
  • Lu par : James Barnett
  • Durée : 4 h et 28 min

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Blue Skies

De : James Barnett
Lu par : James Barnett
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    What if you started living with excited anticipation of what God is up to next? Would you live differently? What if no matter what life threw at you, you had the ability to see it all through a lens of hope, optimism, and trust in God?

    In Blue Skies, James Barnett reveals his secret to move you from living in worry and fear to a life full of excited anticipation of what God's purpose for your life is. Filled with stories from his own life and family travels through America's National Parks, James illustrates 21 truths you can immediately apply to your own life and share with others.

    Let this book be your travel guide to new places of faith, hope, and wonder as you learn to ''look again'' to bring real meaning and excitement to the next adventure God has planned for you. 

    In this book, you will:

    • Grow deeper in your faith with the study guide in the back of the book with questions for reflection and personal application.
    • Learn that God is always at work and desires to reveal Himself to us if we pay attention and make time to ''look again''
    • Explore how being inspired by the ordinary can lead to extraordinary joy in the middle of ''the meantime''
    • Discover a simple mindset shift that can turn frustration into focus and obstacles into optimism, regardless of your circumstances
    ©2022 James Barnett (P)2022 One Audiobooks

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