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  • Blue Moon Investigations Two Book Starter Set

  • Paranormal Nonsense & The Phantom of Barker Mill in one Volume
  • De : Steve Higgs
  • Lu par : Peter Fullagar
  • Durée : 20 h et 11 min

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Blue Moon Investigations Two Book Starter Set

De : Steve Higgs
Lu par : Peter Fullagar
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    The paranormal? It’s all nonsense, but proving it might get them killed

    In the brooding, dark landscape of England, with its rolling hills and forgotten castles, the dark breeds evil in every shadow. Well, almost every shadow. Some of them have stupid in them instead.

    With thousands of books sold, the Blue Moon Investigations series will grip you from the start and rob you of sleep as you continue listening until well after your bedtime.

    When Steve Higgs writes, he hits it out of the park! I find myself laughing loud and often.

    Paranormal Nonsense - falsely advertised as a paranormal investigator, Tempest Michaels has a serial killing vampire to track down and a poltergeist to catch...because he’s staked his reputation on proving none of it is real.

    Helped by disillusioned cop, Amanda Harper, the duo is not only pitted against a brotherhood of vampire wannabes, but also a desperately ticking clock when one of his friends is taken.

    He’s got all the help he could need and more, though, as his friends, his mum, and his dogs are pitching in!

    The Phantom of Barker Mill - a hundred-year-old mystery proves irresistible for England’s only paranormal P.I. It looks like the perfect case...but someone, or perhaps everyone is lying to him.

    As he closes in on the truth, he is led into a race against time that may cost him more than he is willing to pay.

    Oh, and his mum wants him to organize a baby shower.

    If you are a fan of fast-paced paranormal thrillers, then this urban fantasy series is sure to please.

    ©2020 Steve Higgs (P)2020 Steve Higgs

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