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Couverture de Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans

Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans

De : Joanne DeMaio
Lu par : Steven Barnett
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    New York Times Bestseller

    Escape to Stony Point, cuff your jeans and walk along the water's edge in this nostalgic story bringing old friends, and their lives, back to the sea.

    After years of pursuing a denim design career, Maris Carrington never imagined trading her Chicago studio for a New England shingled cottage. But a forgotten home movie tucked inside a dusty attic box leads to an unexpected summer ... One of uncovering family secrets while settling her father's estate, one of inheriting a forlorn German shepherd, one of reconnecting with old friends on a weathered boardwalk, beneath starlit skies on a beach nestled in a crook of the Connecticut coast.

    Her design career had become a shell, curving around her like the intricate whorls of a conch, shielding her until now. Until fried clam dinners and carousel rides beckon a lost love. But can Maris ever really go back? Can these beach friends ever be who they were to each other all those summers ago? Now one of her circle is dead; another unemployed and struggling in a tenuous marriage; another regretting a fateful decision; while one is missing a mother, ever seeking a connection she longs for.

    To the backdrop of seaside cottages and a boarded-up beach hangout, to the soundtrack of whispering lagoon grasses and a vintage jukebox, Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans asks if we can really design our own lives, or if our fate lies somewhere in the stars.

    The Seaside Saga Listening Order:
    Book 1 - Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans
    Book 2 - The Denim Blue Sea
    Book 3 - Beach Blues
    Book 4 - Beach Breeze
    Book 5 - The Beach Inn
    Book 6 - Beach Bliss
    Book 7 - Castaway Cottage
    Book 8 - Night Beach
    Book 9 - Little Beach Bungalow
    Book 10 - Every Summer
    Book 11 - Salt Air Secrets
    Book 12 - Stony Point Summer
    Book 13 - The Beachgoers
    Book 14 - Shore Road
    Book 15 - The Wait
    Book 16 - The Goodbye
    Book 17 - The Barlows
    Book 18 - The Visitor
    Book 19 - Stairway to the Sea
    And more Seaside Saga Books

    ©2013 Joanne DeMaio (P)2024 Joanne DeMaio

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