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Blue Collar to No Collar: From Trucker to Bestselling Novelist in Two Years

De : Wayne Stinnett
Lu par : Nick Sullivan, Kristie Dale Sanders
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Everyone has a story to tell, whether it's a memoir of an exciting life or fictional characters in your head trying to get out. Perhaps you've thought it might be cool to write a book but always believed it was beyond your reach and ability.

It's not.

To be more precise, it doesn't have to be. All you lack is the motivation to get started, the tenacity to stay with it, and the expertise to get it finished. I can help you with the first two.

In this book I'll show you some of the rewards that might come your way by becoming an independent author. I also provide a few tips on how to overcome certain common stumbling blocks.

But this isn't a how-to book. There are many learned scholars publishing books about the craft of creative writing. This is more of a motivational book, giving you an idea of what you might expect as a midlevel author. Whether you're just thinking about writing or already have several books published, we could all use a little motivation.

Who am I? Just an old truck driver who is now off the road and living the life I've always dreamed of after just two years of writing.

©2016 Wayne Stinnett (P)2016 Wayne Stinnett
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