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Couverture de Bloodshot


De : Fred Van Lente
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    The Bourne Identity meets X-Men in Bloodshot, a heart-pounding adventure based on the hit comic series from Valiant Entertainment.

    He wakes up in the middle of the woods with chalk-white skin, the ability to heal from any injury, and no memory of who or what he is. He is Bloodshot, and now he’s caught between the shadowy defense contractor that wants to capture him, and the underground network of psychic teens that want to destroy him.

    Now, Kalea, the girl who found him, has a target on her back just for trying to help him. To save himself and his friends, Bloodshot must stay alive long enough to unravel the mystery of his own identity—and deal with the real possibility that his own family are the ones who most want him dead.

    ©2025 Valiant Entertainment LLC. All rights reserved. (P)2025 Blackstone Publishing

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