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Couverture de Bloodline Chronicles: Vol. 1

Bloodline Chronicles: Vol. 1

De : S.K. Ballinger
Lu par : Diontae Black
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    "Bloodlines Vol.1" is a captivating compilation that brings together the first five novellas of fan-favorite characters from the novel "Stanley Swanson - Breed of a Werewolf." The anthology delves into the intricate and diverse backgrounds of these characters, providing listeners with a deeper understanding of their lives and experiences.

    The first novella, "Uncommon Lust (love edition)," unravels the story of Gravakus and Natalie, shedding light on the aftermath of their involvement in the original novel. This tale explores the complexities of their relationship and adds layers to their characters.

    Following this, "Journey of Kain Edward (hopeful edition)" takes listeners on a compelling exploration of Kain's life, delving into his beliefs in supernatural and paranormal creatures of the night. The narrative concludes with Kain's introduction in the original novel, adding a sense of anticipation and connectivity."Julie Swanson - Untold (survivor edition)" offers a glimpse into Julie's life before she transforms into the character depicted in the original novel. This edition provides valuable insights into Julie's past, contributing to a richer understanding of her character and the challenges she faced.The narrative takes a darker turn with "Sirtimi (hate edition)," revealing the origins of Sirtimi, possibly the first and oldest Drakulis. The novella explores his deep-seated hatred towards the breed of werewolves, adding an element of mystery and tension to the overarching storyline.

    Concluding the anthology is "Jade Swanson - A Legend In The Making (fearless edition)," which centers around Jade, the daughter of the legendary character from the original novel. Jade embarks on a quest to seek vengeance against the vampire who murdered her mother, adding a fearless and determined dimension to her character.

    All these character novellas have their roots in the world created by "Stanley Swanson - Breed of a Werewolf."

    ©2016 S.K. Ballinger (P)2024 S.K. Ballinger
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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