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Blood of the Sea

De : Rafael Campos
Lu par : Charles Featherstone
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If you like the sunshine this book is for you. If you like the ocean this book is for you. If you like the feeling of the waves lapping against your feet, the feeling of the sand clinging to your toes, the feeling of the breeze blowing through your hair, this book is for you. If you like the sound of the songbirds of the sea, the sound of the waves curling on the beach, the sound of the bubbling creatures of the sea, this book is for you. If you find a story of harmony to your liking, full of the trials and tribulations that life has in store, then I recommend this book to you, for a life lived without communing with nature is a life lost in nature's view.

Come with me and experience this tale, inspired by the spirit of nature, the seas and the mysteries that be, that we all should explore as we walk, swim, fly or crawl through a precious place that holds so much for you, and is so easily found in the ocean blue. In this first book, a young sperm whale, also known as a cachalot, confronts mankind and his ill will, living through such trials and tribulations that only the sea can bear witness to. He finds both friends and foes on his journey, but being sworn to protect his kin of the sea, he can find no other solution but to confront the enemy that hunts down the species of the sea without end.

©2024 Rafael Campos (P)2024 Rafael Campos
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