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Couverture de Blood River

Blood River

De : Bob Curby
Lu par : Kevin Muggleton
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    It's the middle the 19th Century and Africa is begging to be explored. David Livingstone, Herbert Stanley, and Cecil John Rhodes push the British Empire into as many parts of it as they can. Someone suggests there are Rubies to found in West Africa—Queen Victoria dispatches her envoy to find the ruby seam and stake a claim on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty.

    Sounds easy? This is Africa, with its wilderness, jungles, snakes, and predators—not to mention cannibals.

    Reginald Dartington-Grant asked his girlfriend Clara Milthorpe-Harris, daughter of the Vicar of Uffington, to marry him, then set off for Africa. She did not give him an answer before he left. Henry Milthorpe-Harris, Clara's father, wants her to be "a Lady" and marry a Lord. By Henry's arrangement she is wooed by the charming Lord Welton. Reginald is further hindered by Holland, Germany, France, and Belgium, who each dispatch their gem experts to stake their claim, as well as British businessmen who hire their own mercenary to do so.

    Who will get there first, and who will be the one Clara marries? Intrigue, sabotage, attempted murder, and danger travel every step with 'Reg' in this 19th century drama.

    ©2014 Steve Goodings (P)2024 Steve Goodings

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