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Couverture de Blood Pact

Blood Pact

De : Mya Rusch
Lu par : Aaron Catch
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    Would you believe me if I told you I met a demon? Would you believe me if I told you I made a blood pact with one?
    Some time ago, humans…us, made pacts with demons all the time; it’s written in a text somewhere I read. Little did I know, how true that actually was; after getting out of an abusive relationship, I picked up a book at a local library…more out of boredom then anything. I didn’t think reading a few spell words from it, would summon a demon named Dizzin. Aside from the black demon like wings and the horns that jet out of the top of his head, he seems absolutely normal. Problem is, the words I spoke, had somehow made a blood pact with him…what that means…I’m not even sure myself.

    Hell is where I’m from; this puny human has somehow found the words to make a blood pack with me.
    I came from the depths of hell for this puny human? I don’t even know what she wants; she seems genuinely confused of who and what I am. Humans haven’t summoned demons in…geez, I’m not sure how long; but here I am, in the middle of her living room with nothing on but a pair of jeans…hm, I wonder if she wants a blood pact or something else.

    ©2023 Mya Rusch (P)2024 Mya Rusch

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